Statement by the Steering Committee of the European Trade Union Initiative for Justice in Palestine At least 34 people killed and over 1600 wounded – this is the tragic outcome of a peaceful protest in Gaza to remember the Nakba,… Continue Reading →
We are inviting European trade unions to send their delegates to participate at the Second Trade Union Seminar – Justice for Palestine! Ending European complicity in Israel’s violations of Palestinian workers’ rights that will take place in BARCELONA on the 18th and… Continue Reading →
In November 2016 over 100 trade union delegates, representing twenty nine unions and three million members from all over Europe, gathered in a historic first meeting in Brussels to challenge the EU and European governments’ complicity with Israel and establish… Continue Reading →
The European Trade Union Initiative for Justice in Palestine wants to take effective action to bring an end to Israel’s violation of international law. We want to focus on the European complicity to these violations through the leaflet that we… Continue Reading →
On 17 April 2017 around 1500 Palestinian political prisoners announced the beginning of an open hunger strike. Striking prisoners are calling for an end to Israel’s practice of abuse, solitary confinement, torture, medical negligence and denial of rights guaranteed under… Continue Reading →
In recent years several trade union delegations and members of our European network (Belgium, Ireland, Norway and others) have sent delegations to Palestine in order to build solidarity ties with Palestinian workers and gain a deeper understanding of the reality… Continue Reading →
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