In December 2024 the Swedish Dockworkers Union voted to block an Israeli military cargo ship and carried out a 6 days blockade of the port of Sweden. The blockade was a response to a request for solidarity measures from the Palestinian union movement and came into force on January 28.

For this action, Erik Helgeson – Swedish Dockworkers Union (SDU) spokesperson and national deputy chair was dismissed by his employer.

The SDU vote and action has been one of the strongest actions taken by workers anywhere in Europe in solidarity with the people of Palestine since 2023.

We at the European Trade Union Network for Justice in Palestine stand in full solidarity with Erik Helgeson and SDU and salute them for their action. We sent an email to his employer with demand to reinstate Erik to work and withdrew all the accusations.

Erik’s dismissal is an attack on all of us who believe in the right to organise, to speak out against injustice, and to take meaningful action in solidarity with oppressed people.

More info on how to support Erik and SDU here